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2023-06-09 Executive Meeting Minutes

June 8 2023

Meeting Minutes - Executive Committee Meeting

A full PDF Package of the meeting is available at this link.

Meeting Information

Date: June 9, 2023
Location: Morinville Public Library

Attendees: Jen Anheliger, Dwayne Spicer, Larry Tiedemann, Barbara Smith, Maxine Fodness, Josh Crick, Kelly Chamzuk, Bill Parker, Vicky Lefebvre.

Guests: Jodi Dahlgren (LMC Chair), Isabelle Cramp (Manager Morinville Public Library)

Regrets: Leslie Cusack, Matthew McLennan

Staff: James MacDonald, Terri Hampson


Land Acknowledgment

As the collective stewards of this land, Morinville Community library strives to honour our commitment to uphold the spirit of collaboration and friendship as intended by Treaty 6. It is our pledge to learn form the past and to follow a shared path forward with those who walked these lands since time immemorial for as long as the sun shines, the grass grows, and the river flows.

1. Approval of the Agenda

M1 – Barbara Smith motions the Approval of the Agenda as presented, all in favour, motion carried.

2. Approval of Previous Minutes of April 14th

M2 – Maxine Fodness motions the Approval of April 14, 2023 minutes as presented, all in favour, motion carried.

3. Reports 

3.1 Chair's Report

3.2 Executive Director's Conference Report (IUG) & regular report.

M3 –Kelly Chamzuk motions to accept the Executive Director report as discussed, all in favour, motion carried.

3.3 Financial Report & Budget Vs. Actuals

Briefing note: We have one budget line over by 10%. (Computer Server Infrastructure 6114) This is the result of last year's late decision to adopt Deepfreeze and is an anticipated overage.

All municipalities have paid their levies. Library levies are coming in.

M4 –Larry Tiedemann motions to accept the Financial Report as presented, all in favour, motion carried.

4. Auditor RFP

Briefing Note: We are at the end of our contract with Metrix Group. An RFP was published on March 2, 2023 and closed on April 28th. We received the following responses:

Metrix (Current Company)

View Quote Here: Metrix

$16,500 – $17,500 – 3 yrs

Ashley Zutz | Principal

Grant Thornton LLP

$10,000 more than what we pay currently – no quote given after verbal meeting

Gregory, Harriman & Associates LLP

View Quote Here: GHP

$22,000 – $25,470 - 5 yrs

M5 –Josh Crick motions to accept the proposal of Metrix as discussed, all in favour, motion carried.

M7 - Amendment to M5 to accept the 5-year proposal of the Metrix RFP as discussed, all in favour, motion carried.

5. Communications Audit

Briefing Note: We recently engaged with Focus Communications to conduct a communications audit. Their report concludes with several recommendations that should be considered by the Board and the Plan of Service committee. The Report is available here.

M6 – Dwayne Spicer motions to accept the Communications Audit report as provided, all in favour, motion carried.

6. OROS Project
Briefing Note: 
We have received a proposal from Cold Lake Library for funding from the On Reserve On Settlement funds. This is in addition to their local appropriation, so it is coming before the Executive for approval. The Indigenous Advisory Circle has been asked for feedback on the project.

M8 – Maxine Fodness motions to accept the proposal from the Cold Lake Library to be taken from the reserve OROS grant money, all in favour, motion carried.

We have received a request for funding from Elizabeth Métis Settlement. They wish to hire a local resident to promote existing library services in the community over the summer, sign residents up for library memberships and show them how to access our inline resources. They also seek funding for internet services, bookshelves, and two computers. They hope to form a local library board and start a local library in the coming months. Total cost $8,000 - $10,000. 

M9 –Barbara Smith motions to accept the request for funding from Elizabeth Metis Settlement up to $10,000 to be taken from the reserve OROS grant money, all in favour, motion carried.

We have been investigating a new website for residents of reserves and settlements. The concept is to produce a simple and clean method to identify nearby library services and enhance the online registration process with participating libraries. We would launch this site in conjunction with radio advertising. This is a first look at the idea. We'll discuss the service with library managers and the Indigenous Advisory Circle. There may be interest from other regional library systems to help in funding the site.


Library Tour and Lunch 11:30 - 12:30


7. Election of Officers

Briefing Note: The position of Vice-Chair and Treasurer are now open.

1st call for nominations of Vice-Chair (30 seconds)

Maxine Fodness nominated Dwayne Spicer and he accepts

2nd call for nominations of Vice-Chair (30 seconds)

3rd call for nominations of Vice-Chair (30 seconds)

M10-Kelly Chamzuk moves the nominations for Vice-Chair cease.

Dwayne Spicer is acclaimed.


1st call for nominations of Treasurer (30 seconds)

Larry Tiedemann names to stand.

2nd call for nominations of Treasurer (30 seconds)

3rd call for nominations of Treasurer (30 seconds)

M11-Barbara Smith moves those nominations for Treasurer cease.

Larry Tiedemann is acclaimed.

7.1 Signing Authority

Briefing note: By policy “Signing officers shall be the Executive Director or the Finance Officer, the Board Chairman, and two (2) others from the Executive Committee.” We need a motion in our minutes to grant signing authority to two other board members besides Jenn.

M12- Larry Tiedemann moved to approve signing authority for James MacDonald as Executive Director; Terri Hampson as Finance Officer, Jennifer Anheliger as NLLS Board Chair, Dwayne Spicer as NLLS Board Vice Chair; and to remove signing authority from Vicky Lefebvre and any previously approved individuals not named in this motion.  All in favour, motion carried. 

8. Policy updates

Briefing note: The policy committee met on April 6th, 2023. See the minutes from that meeting.


  • Section 1:1M - Sick/Personal Days
    Briefing Note: The intent is to remove as much duplication with Alberta Labour Standards as possible and simplify the language.

  • Section 1:2D - Pandemic Situation renamed the Emergency Management
    Briefing Note: A shift from the specific pandemic language to a more comprehensive policy relating to public health emergencies.

  • Section 1:3J - Internet and Computer Usage
    Briefing Note: The amalgamation of the Spyware and Spam Control Policy.

  • Section 1:1H - Overtime
    Briefing Note: Removal of everything already covered in Alberta Labour Standards. Shift to a group overtime agreement (template from Alberta Government)

  • Section 2:1B - Governance
    Briefing Note: Incorporates the Policy Development policy into the Governance policy and simplifies the governance language. It also removes Executive Committee term limits that are more stringent than the legislated requirements.

  • Section 1:1J - Vacation
    Briefing Note: Added language to require the establishment of vacation schedules twice each year. The executive wants a second look at the requirement to use carry-forward vacation before mid-year.

  • Section 2:1M - Records Retention 
    Briefing Note: Simplifies the language and moves to a digital-first strategy in records retention. The retention schedule also changes.

  • Section 1:3K - Spyware and Spam Control
    Briefing Note: Amalgamated into the Internet and Computer Use policy

  • Section 2:1N  - Policy Making
    Briefing Note: Amalgamated into the Governance policy

M13- Josh Crick motions to have the above policies sent to the next regular board meeting for approval, all in favour, motion carried.

M14- Maxine Fodness motions to move to go in-camera at 13:24, all in favour, motion carried.

9. In-Camera Personnel – standing performance evaluation discussion.

M15- Josh Crick motions to move out of in-camera at 13:39, all in favour, motion carried.

10. Next Meetings

General Board
Friday, August 25, 2023 (ONLINE) 10 am
Friday, November 24, 2023 (IN-PERSON & ONLINE) 10 am

Executive Committee
Friday, August 11, 2023, at 10:00 am - in Tofield (online option available)

Policy Committee

A: ED to send a poll to board members on the preferred dates and formats of the next board meetings.

11. Adjournment

M16 – Dwayne Spicer motions to Adjourn at 13:41pm.

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